Upcoming Events

Mon. April 22: Earth Day

Thurs. April 25 5:30-7:30 pm: Hispanic Heritage Night

May 3rd: Fun Run for all students, families are welcome to watch!

May 10: Spring Plant Sale, support our school with your garden needs!

Monday, May 13 5:30 -7:30pm: Parent Team Meeting

Every Tuesday 2:45-4 pm: Gather & Garden

Monarch Run Fundraiser

What: The Parent Team is excited to kick off the Monarch Run! Get ready for three weeks of excitement, fundraising, and celebrating our school community.

Where: In your classroom, the playground, and the gym! 

When: The Kickoff Parade with special guests is on April 15th!

Fun Run in the Gym for all students is May 3rd! 

Register your child online!

Parent Team Meeting
May 13th 5:30 - 6:30 

Team Meeting

We provide pizza, snacks, and childcare for evening meetings. Students and siblings are always welcome. Come join us!

Parent Team
Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! The Parent Team has a goal of 100% participation from parents this year. In this spirit, we have listed all the events this year below. We know it can be hard to volunteer without knowing what you are signing up for so we have detailed the time commitment and responsibility. We hope that every parent will be able to sign up for at least one event.